
Thursday, October 30, 2014

101 in 1001 Update!

It has been a little over a year and I am now updating my 101 things in 1001 days and I have actually completed 18 things. Thats pretty awesome!!

I passed my speech class
I bought a chair that I had always wanted for my bedroom
I got a new job that I LOVE 
I completely learned a Chopin piece on the piano
I applied to THREE colleges and was accepted into all three and offered a scholarship at my top 2
I went to 2 concerts
I made tons of new friends
I bought a jungle gym for my cat lol
I figured out what I wanted to do (for real this time)
I now have a better relationship with my family
I dressed up for halloween
I went to Nashville
I got a manicure
I had a real Christmas tree
I sang in front of strangers ( a lot a lot of times now lol)
I saw one direction live
I graduated college with an associates degree
I am now posting a yearly update

There are some things on that list that I will also be checking off in just a few months, and I am very pleased. I'm sure it is going to be taking me way more than a thousand and one days to complete this list but it was also really cool to see how many things I have done in a year that I had no idea I would be doing a year from then. 

Late night musings

I am just writing. Writing to get this off my chest because I am feeling very trapped lately with my emotions. I have been extremely emotional, about a lot of things. I am afraid of failing at my choice as a profession, I am afraid of falling in love, I am afraid of not being loved in return, I am afraid of talking to people, and I have been doing so much better about that but still the thought of talking to some people really makes me shake. I am afraid that I am going to be seen as a failure in Gods eyes. And I'm scared that I am going to have financial issues for the rest of my life. I wish there was a button you could press so you could just get a glimpse at what your future would look like. Who would be in it, and what I would be doing, and if I fulfilled all my dreams, and if I ever took the plunge and allowed my self to love again. I would love to see if I made it through school, and my recital coming up, and if I would ever get up the nerve to tell him how I feel. College life has been great and I have been blessed by so much but also with blessings come trials and I don't know if I am going to be strong enough to make it through them. So what are things that I can do to help my situation? I can read my Bible more, I have been burdened about this a lot but I have always had a hard time with reading my Bible. I think if I did read He would make the way clear to me and it is something I should have been doing since the beginning. I could also work harder on my school work, I have always been the person who could get by with no studying and with great grades. School has just naturally come to me, but studying music is so hard. So much harder than I thought it would be and I am just not getting by with the study habits I have had my whole life. It is very different and difficult for me to pick up a book and study because it is just something I have never done. I just wanted to get this stuff off of my chest, because it was all bottling up inside and making me go crazy. Maybe one of these days I won't be afraid to love someone again, because I have found the perfect person to love if I would just not allow the fear to overcome me. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So this is love

As the sweet naive cinderella sings so this is love, I am also now singing this in my head.SOOOO….. as you may have guessed…. I met a boy :3 and he is wonderful. I'm swooning right now just thinking about him. I have barely known him but I just know . Do you know what I mean? I've loved two people in my life, Both ending in heart break. My first love, my high school sweet heart. Shattered my heart, then I had the one who got away, the timing was just never right and he ended up breaking my heart just a little bit. But I was finally being content with my life and my singledom... Is that a word? It is now ;).. when this guy showed up. He's kind and warm and bright. All the adjectives I could use to describe him are the words that just make you feel happy and sweet. He is wonderful, and welcoming. He is happy and radiant. His smile breaks my heart just a little every time I see him. But heres the thing we've known each other a total of three weeks now.. I'm actually a little embarrassed to admit that. Does that make me a whimsy 12 year old girl that I'm admitting this already? I don't know, all I know is if I didn't say these words or send them out into the universe somewhere that I would be miserable inside. Keeping feelings like this, that are just something wonderful and beautiful, should not be kept to ones self. So here I am telling a viewless blog, I think I love a boy I just met. But what is life if not whimsical? Updates to follow. As for now stay beautiful.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sweater Weather TAG

HALLLLOOOOOO!!!! :) :) :) So I have seen this tag traveling around Youtube and why not turn it into a blog tag? So that's what I am doing! So put on your mittens because we are going on a fall journey ;)

1 Favorite Candle Scent

OBVIOUSLY Mahogany and Teakwood. Just get out of here if you are not obsessed with that scent because obviously we can't be friends. Now I'm kidding but literally this is the best smelling candle I think has ever existed. 

2. Coffee Tea or Hot Chocolate?

Can I have all three? haha. During this time of the year is when I'm really into drinking hot drinks but actually right now I'm really into apple cider. I love the one for kuerig but also my family likes to make this stuff called wassal and it is to DIE for. :)

3. What is the best fall memory you have?

I honestly can't choose one particular one. It always just makes me think of my childhood playing outside with my sisters in the leaves, jumping on the trampoline, trick or treating, jumping in the leaves, riding bikes. It's just the best time of year and I always become nostalgic. 

4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged liner?

Well I do winged liner on a daily basis, everyday I wear my liner winged its just my signature look, so I am going to have to go with dark lips. I'm really into Drew Berrymoores makeup line Flower. The lip glosses are really great.. you should totally check them out. Which they are organic and vegan too! Nice perk.

5. Best Fragrance for fall?

Cashmere Glow from BBW. I usually don't go for a scent like this one but right now I have really been liking it. It is very warm and makes me want to cuddle up with a blanket. 

6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?

Um. EVERYTHING. I am SO EXCITED for Thanksgiving. Like seriously don't even talk to me if you aren't dying for it to be the holidays because I just can't take it. Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite days of the year just spending time with my family. I could care less what we eat as long as we are together.

7. What is autumn weather like where you live?

Absolutely perfect. If you have seen pictures of the changing leaves and the pretty sunlight this is my town. I live in the perfect area of the US because we get the perfect dose of every season and autumn I just die, its so beautiful here.

8. Most worn sweater? 

I don't even think I have a most worn sweater.. I'm weird when it comes to this stuff. I don't like how sweaters look on me so I don't wear them very often.. my b.

9 Must have nail polish for fall?

Revlon 820 Stormy. The perfect gray.

10 Football games or jumping in leaf piles?

I love both but football is a big thing around my house. We all gather around in our jerseys and cheer.. even with this horrible season.. GO STEELERS!!

11.Skinny Jeans or Leggings?

Leggings. I don't like to wear leggings by themselves but I love layering them under dresses and skirts. Its just the best. 

12. Combat boots or Uggs?

Boots.. I just hate the look of Uggs.. I think they are so slouchy so I love me some nice booties ;)

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?

Honestly it's not my favorite BUT Peppermint Mocha. OH MAH GERD. LOVEEEEEEEEEE.

14.  Favorite TV show.

REIGN. IS SO FREAKING GOOD. I CAN'T STOP WATCHING. And I needed that in all caps haha. I LOVE that show. I have watched every episode three times because I just can't wait till the next one comes out. If you haven't been watching this show you are cray. Watch it!!!

15. What song gets you into the fall spirit?

Right now I am loving Back To You by the Twin Forks.. this song OMG. I am in love. So perfect.


Have a fantastic day you little love muffins!Xx.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from my gang to yours <3 <3 Have a fantastic day you little love muffins;) Xx.

Monday, October 28, 2013

What's in My Bag?

I should have known that the moment I say I am going to do something five minutes later utter turmoil happens and that thing which I said I would do then becomes impossible to do. Well my great plans of this post being up.. a long time ago.. didn't happen.. but it wasn't for lack of trying. I sat down at my computer that night and uploaded all the pictures I was going to use and logged on to safari so I could start this post and my internet wouldn't load. I went through this for literally an hour so I gave up, then I woke up the next day unable to speak without coughing and a horrible crick in my neck. YAAAAY. Anyways.. I am not better but my neck has almost stopped hurting. haha. Today I have to leave the house so I've been up out of bed for a couple hours and I had a few minutes to spare so I thought I would try to upload this. AAAAAAH. Now that I've typed that something horrible is probably going to happen and I won't be able to finish.. wish me luck!! :)

My Purse 

I have searched everywhere and cannot find this bag on the internet BUT this is a close match here

Oh this bag is my love. I got this for Christmas last year and I think I literally carried everyday of the winter last year and some of the spring and then I put her to rest a while during the summer and as soon as it became colder this year I brought her back out. Literally my favorite purse I have ever had. I love that it has short handles and long handles. I usually use the short handles carrying it on my wrists but I do use the longer straps when my wrists become tired and it fits perfectly on my shoulder. I have this rule about shoulder bags if I have to unfold my elbow for it to fit on my shoulder it is not for me. I literally will not buy a bag if it breaks that rule... luckily this one does not.

to the juicy insides

Because of my lacking camera skills I wasn't able to capture a picture of everything at once. So you get a picture of each side.

As you can see here I have two wallets. Please don't ask my why because I have no idea. I am currently using that vera bradley one and I guess Betsey Johnson just likes to come along for the ride haha. I have my keys there.. of course.. and then in that stack I have my check book a payment book and some stamps. I always forget to mail my bills till the last minute so I leave them in my purse so I can stick it in my mailbox on the way out the door.

Here I have a hair clip, a hair bow, and some bobby pins.. every girls necessities. To the right of that is a stylus. I have never actually used this and forgot I had it but found it in the bottom of my purse so maybe I will start using it on my new iPhone 5C. :) I have three packs of sweet and low and you may think that this is just coincidental but it is not. I am a daily unsweet tea drinker and I ALWAYS use three sweet and lows so I keep them in my purse just in case the restaurant I am at only carries splenda. Beside the sweet and low I keep my pencil case and inside I keep pens pencils and high liters. I am a college student and if I don't keep these in my purse I will lose them. I have my beats headphones in here which is not something that I usually have but I had them in there because I was watching a show on my phone and didn't want to disrupt someone with the noise.. I'm so nice.. I know. I also have my Kindle Fire HD which I like to keep with me all the time because I am always reading something.

This is what little bit of makeup I had in my purse.. a Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip stain a tube of Softlips chapstick and two eybrow pencils by Maybelline. I like to keep a lipstick in my purse because my lipstick never seems to stay so I like to keep one with me to reapply during the day. The chapstick is in there because this time of the year I get terribly chapped lips.. gotta keep those babies moisturized lol and the eyebrow pencils are because I literally have to draw my eyebrows on everyday. I have always had VERY fair eyebrows in fact so fair that growing up most people teased me and told me I didn't have any. I used to feel so self conscious about them but now it doesn't bother me and most people that I am friends with now don't even know that I draw them on.. well they do now lol. 

This last section is my misfit accessories. Sometimes I am really good about putting on jewelry in the morning and every day it ends up in my purse before I get home. I don't know why its just what happens. I have a problem.. lol. These are some tangled pieces I found in the bottom of my purse the mirror necklace is from target the other one tangled with it is from AVON the really blingy one is from dress barn my watch is from charming charlies and the bracelet is from cracker barrel.

These are just a few things that I keep in my purse.. I know most people love these and I know I do because I am nosey. I hope you enjoyed and share with me your posts like this if you have one and I will definitely check it out. 

Have a fantastic day you little love muffins. Xx.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Good Morning

Just thought I would pop in and say GOOOOOD MORRRRNINNNINININININING!!!!

Opie and I hope you have a fantastic day. Look out later on today because I have a what's in my bag post coming and I'm not prepping at all. It will be legitimately what is currently in my bag.. trash and everything. This should be fun. :)

Until then.

Have a fantastic day you little love muffins! Xx.