Hello there!
If you are reading this that means you have stumbled upon my little blog. Thanks for visiting. So I am assuming you are wanting to know more about me since you have clicked on the about me tab so lets get this started.
My name is Rachel Olivia Edwards and I was born in August of 93'.. I'll let you do the math because knowing me I will never update this. I am now in college studying Music Education. I sing with a Symphonic choir, a madrigals choir, and a college tour group. I play the piano for the children's choir at my church and I have two piano lessons a week. Music is a huge part in my crazy life
In addition to my love for music, I love to read. I am in a book club with all women who are old enough to be my mother, but I love it. It is something I look forward to every month. I have four dogs a cat and about seventy million birds. Obviously I am exaggerating with the birds bit but honestly I have no idea how many we have. But these guys literally make my life SO much better.
Daisy Prince
John Daniel
Daniel and Gran
Daniel and Beth
Me, my uncle Jason, Beth, and Rebecca
Beth, Momma, Daddy, Rebecca, and Me.
I love makeup and all things beauty related and I have no idea where I got it from because neither my mother or my grandmothers take interest in it. Who knows? But it is something that I love to experiment with and study about. I am the fashonista in my family and if anyone has an event I always do their makeup and pick out dresses suits and tuxes. I can't help it. Its too fun. I love a good DIY and something easy and festive to cook up. I could spend everyday burning my candles, cooking for my family, and cleaning the house.. with the music blaring.. but I don't. In fact I'm going to let you in on a secret I usually only clean my room on the weekends. :0. Basically I love my life, and everyone in it and if you choose to follow this blog you will inevitably see posts about everything mentioned above, my huge goals and aspirations for life, and I'm sure a good rant or two. So pull up a chair, I don't mind a bit. ;) Have a fabulous day you little love muffins.Xx.
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