
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Life- In a Nutshell

Well, my life has been KINDAAAA crazy here lately. School is great. I really do love it. I feel like college is so different from highschool, and it is the same in a way too. I feel like of course there are days when I definitely don't want to be there, but those are less often than when they were in highschool. There is so much less amounts of drama .Of course you have the hoebagels that are running around talking about what they wore to prom... STILL.. but the majority of the people I go to school with are extremely nice people. 

I am in TWO choir classes. Yeah. Alot. It's weird but I feel like I crave this sort of attention all the time. It's like I want to constantly sing for people. If I'm not singing, I'm usually not happy. Most of my life revolves around music now. Which I don't mind AT ALL. I love it. I spend four out of five school days in choir and music classes so it is really great.

I have a new love. Three new loves actually, and their names are Il Volo. Piero Barone, Gianluca Ginoble, and Ignazio Boschetto. Three beautiful Italian teenage boys who I have had the pleasure to meet. This whole thing with Il Volo was kind of done on a whim. I saw the boys music video a few months back and thought aw those guys are cute, and then at school my music teacher played the music video.. and my heart melted. Oh my gosh their voices. They sound literally like angels. Like a voice sent from God. They are beautiful. Well, the next few days I really got into listening to Il Volo and I went online and found their website. The boys were started a tour just two weeks after the date I was online. I bought meet & greet tickets. After barely knowing them. I had heard 'O Sole Mio' and 'Smile' and that was enough. I loved these boys and I had to meet them. I spent $215 on a ticket and took off and had the best time of my entire life. Now, I spend my time at nights talking to other Il Volo fans and praying for the day I will be able to meet them again.

I need to sing. I feel like my body was built to sing. I was born to sing. My voice is meant to be heard. I don't want to sing to be famous. I don't want to even be rich, I just want to spend my life doing the thing that makes me the most happy. When I was at the Il Volo concert and I watched Gianluca close his eyes as he belted out the most magnificent tenor note I saw passion on his face. I saw joy, and I saw the same longing I have. And, at that moment I knew that that was what I wanted to do. I have wanted to do it for a long time but, this whole experience made it so surreal for me.

I've been so blessed to live the life that I have been given. So many times I take advantage of the things I have or the things I have done, and I have realized just how lucky I am. I don't want to be selfish. So, I've been trying this. Everytime I feel like I want to complain about something I think.' Is this really worth complaining about or is this something I could look at in a positive way and be happy with it" I will fail. I already have, but I just want to be a thankful person.

I have pledged that I would five $5 to my church everyweek. That dosn't sound like much but I am already struggling to make that payment. I pray that this will give me discipline and it will help the churches needs.

I also have begun a diet. This isn't a lose weight diet for me, this is a get healthy diet. I'm so tired of walking and being tired after it. I want to be able to walk where I want to go. RUN, in the mornings. Be physically active every chance I can get. I want to change the way I have been living. Throughout the month of october I started counting calories. I try to stay below 1200 a day. I want to be healthy so bad.

I fell as thought I haven't written in years. I'll try to write more than I have been.

Io ti amo.

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