
Monday, August 22, 2011


I'm thankful for my country
I'm thankful that I'm free
I'm thankful for the ones who died
To make our nation supreme
I'm thankful for my soldier
I'm thankful for what he does
I'm thankful hes giving his time to his country
I'm thankful for his love
I'm thankful for the ones who suffered
I'm thankful for the ones who cried
I'm thankful for all the things they do
And for all they have sacrificed
But most of all I'm thankful
For that flag that's flying high
I'm thankful for the hope it shares
And the courage it supplies

Monday, August 15, 2011


I dont know what I feel for you. I dont even know if I like you, I just know that I thought you might be one thing I could have had that she didn't. Isnt that stupid? But, I feel like I've lived my whole life in her shadow, and for once I thought I had something that she couldn't have. I've only had two people pick me over her, and I really wish you would have been one too. I don't know why I have to make everything into a competition with her. Its not even really about her its about you. I cant stand to see you talk to her. Or, any other girl. And, that makes me wonder if I really do care for you. I know you dont care for me, but I wish so badly that you did. I can imagine what your hand would feel like wrapped around mine. Or what your lips would feel like on mine, but when I see you I think. 'aw theres my buddy' but when your gone, I just keep this longing feeling in my heart, I wonder what this is? Could I love you? Could you love me? I dont know anymore.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Whats happening?

Why does everything have to change? I feel like I could say I hate you right now. Why do people spend their lives trying to destroy other peoples? What am I supposed to do now? I'm so lost. I need someone to help me. I dont want to get stuck in that hole again.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I think, I love.

I think I love him. I feel like I love him, I have that little scared feeling in my stomach. Like I'm about to go on a rollercoaster. Kind of like what I had with Joe. But, I just feel like why do I let myself fall in love with people and as soon as I realize I am. I have that person taken away. It's not fair. That all these people are always trying to take them away. He was MY friend before he was yours, He like ME before he liked you, YOU lied to me, YOU told me you hated me, and HE took up for me. now you're trying to take him away?? What if I really do love him? 

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today I feel just depressed. Last night was one of the worst nights I have had in a long time. Me, Alaina, Angel, and Joe were on the phone, Alaina and Angel thought that it would be funny to pretend they werent on the phone so they could listen to what me and Joe were saying. So, Alaina said that Angle got disconnected and that she was going to hang up and call her then call us back, so we said ok and bye and then we started talking, well we talked for about 5-6 minutes and then I accidentally called Joe Jordan. Well, then Joe was like 'um no' and he said it in a way like, idk it sounded like he didnt like Jordan so I asked him if he did, and he was like ' I dont really know him' and I said 'He gets on my everloving nerves.' and then alaina pipes up ' OH REALLY NOW?!" and then  all heck broke loose. She told me she hated me I was crying Joe was freaking out, Angel was being quiet but then she was really rude the next day and everything just makes me so stressed out. I just feel betrayed. How can someone sit on the phone and listen to other people talk for like 5 minutes. That is so rude and selfish and uncalled for. What if I had something I really needed to tell just Joe? Well than evesdroppers would have heard it. I'm just sick and tired of being taken advantage of. Alaina and Angel like Joe. Alaina and Angel think Joe likes me. Alaina and Angel threw me under a bus for a boy.That is so mean, and it makes me feel like crying. I can almost promise you that neither of them would marry Joe Shelton, but I can promise you that if they hadn't lied to me we could've been friends forever. I just don't get why someone would want to throw a friendship away. Now, I feel like they are trying to take Joe away from me. I cant stand the thought of losing Joe. He's my best friend in the whole world and if they take him away what am I going to do?