
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just Stuff

Do you ever just want to talk. Just spill out everything that’s going on inside of you.. Do you ever feel like you just hold so many things inside of you that you dont think you can stand to anymore? Well I am like that. All I ever do is hold in everything, truth is when i act like I’m strong and confident and that things don’t hurt me it’s usually a lie. No matter what it’s just like I can’t stop. I’m that girl who cried for hours November 14th when you did that to me. I’m the girl who would have waited a life time for you and you couldnt even wait a month, I was the girl who put up with your crap, who didn’t say anything when you flirted with other girls and you’d think that after a few months if I said something that I wouldn’t get punished like you punished me. I am sick of being in abusive relationships, usually it’s things I get my own self into l, and I hate that. Just for once in my life I want to be loved. I want a relationship not a status quo per say. I don’t want to go out with someone just so my Facebook won’t say single anymore. I just want to be loved , and I want a best friend who I can tell everything to. You may look at me and think that I’m this happy person but really all I am is alone and hurt. I wish so badly I could be with you .. No not you Joe… Screw you, I hate you. Another you, you know who you are. We are so similar it’s amazing, and I love that, and I really like you. I’m praying so hard that this will work out. But for now I’m just going to go on pretending, being the “happy” girl. Filling my duty. Until next time.. Stay classy San Diego haha jk jk #swag. Aight, peace.

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