
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So I'm sure you've heard of Rebecca Black, I mean who hasnt after last week. Her parents are loaded and she decided that she wanted to be a singer and since most singers now a days ( with the exception of the biebs ;)) are all using auto-tune, the magical thing that can make talentless people's voice even more horrible YAAAAAAAY :). So she decides she wants to be a singer and she writes this song that oh my gosh it dosnt even make since  " gotta have my bowl gotta get some cereal I walk out to the BUS STOP oh look theres my friends, which seat am I going to sit in? OMGGGG" like for real? Is this the garbage we , this generation, have come to accept? pathetic.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I will never say never! I will fight till forever, to make it right. Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground, pick it up and never say never. Now she's bigger than me and taller than me. And she's older than me and stronger than me, and her arms a little bit longer than me, but she aint singing JB songs with me. I be tryin chill, they be trying to solve with the thrill. No pun intended I was raised by the power of will. Like Luke with the force if push comes to shove, like Kobe in the fourth, Ice water cant flood. So we try to be the best and yes, we're the flyest. Like David and Goliath I conquered the giant. So now I got the world in my hand I was born from two stars so the moons where I land.


Ugh so today I had THE WORST headache. Oh my gosh it was awful. and so I had to go sit in my moms car during her last class because I was about to be sick, and I was just starting to feel better, than everyone was coming out to the car, I know they were just trying to be nice and were wanting to sit with me and stuff, but I dont think they realize I had a headache. Then my mom was just taking her time going home today, which she didnt know that my head was that bad. But it was so bad I was getting sick, then I knew I was going to puke. We were in the middle of traffic and everyone was screaming because they didnt want me to puke in the car, so my mom drives right in the middle of traffic and goes in the CVS parking lot. It was SO embarrassing because I had to puke in front of a whole line of traffic and everyone was looking. Most embarrassing thing ever. The poor CVS people.


I iwish the sun was out more like it was yesterday. It felt SO GOOD! I just wanted to run around like a little kid and play with balls and jump on the tramploine. Yesterdays weather was amazing! I miss summer. I cant wait till it gets here!


So, it seems I have "misplaced" another graduation item. I swear its like I'm not meant to graudate, and its really annoying because one day my tassles are sitting there and the next day tey are gone, I havent touhed them my mom hasnt touched them, but they somehow dissappear. This week is making me feel like a lost cloud, just floating around waiting for some other clouds but nothing shows up. I've had a rough week

Monday, March 14, 2011


So last night I had to work and extra 2 hours, a work. I was so tired, along with a hurt leg. So, you can imagine a limp girl trying to walk all over the place, and do stuff, it was really bad. My boss didnt close unitl 45 minutes after we were already supposed to be closed. Last night I wanted to beat some people. That's all I'm saying.


School makes me so stressed.  Sometimes being homeschooled is really a god things but this week it hasnt been. I ordered 50 invitations for my graduation, and since I'm homeschooled I had to put my trust in the people in charge that they would give me what I ordered well, yesterday I was going through all of it and I had a big whopping 20 yes 20. Thats what I get for actually thinking someone was going to do their job, which really just goes to show that you really can trust in no one but yourself to get things done.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Last night was TEACH's formal. It was at the Bristol Train station, and it was the most fun I've had in the longest time. I really thought it was going to be very boring and I wouldn't have fun because I'm not very close to the people at co-op, but I was so wrong. Everyone there was so nice! I think maybe because we are at co-op and we're doing school work, its hard to become friends with people, but last night we were all dancing around and having fun together. Branching out and doing things that you would have never done really is a good thing to do.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Doubting Thomas

It seems like I am always doubting, no matter what situation I am in I always doubt. I doubt God's plans for my life I doubt what my friends say, I doubt whether or not things will work out. This December me and Carlie were invited to a Christmas party with all the other people we were graduating with, I was hesitant to go but Carlie said she was going, so I figured I would be alright. The day of the party, and of course Carlie had ditched, so that left me going by myself. I had RSVP'd so there was no way to get out of it and my mom was making me go. It was a rough car ride down there, I was doubting whether any of them would want to talk to me because I know they had already met each other, whereas this would be my first time meeting them. My mom was telling me it would be fun and I was doubting whether she was right or not. So I went to the party, and everyone was really nice, so sometimes you just have to trust that no one is trying to lead you down the wrong path or embarrass you or even make you feel bad, and Mom always knows best.

Monday, March 7, 2011


                                                                Homelife Academy

                                    Music for the future

                                    A project submitted to
                                         Mrs. Edwards
                                   In Partial Fulfillment of
                          The Requirements for the course
                                                       English 11

                                                 Rachel Edwards

                                                  Bristol, Virginia
                                                   3 March 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today is just like a very boring day. Somedays are filled with laugher and substance and today is just like one of those days that feels like it lasts forever, very boring, with nothing in it. But on quiet days like this, I can hear God's beauty all around me. I hear the pretty birds outside just chirping away, I hear the sound of a flying stinkbug (no matter how much I hate them) when you hear it, it just shows how amazing God is to create something so unique. The bright sky outside makes me thankful for the day. Its so pretty out there I just want to sit in the grass and read, or write a poem, or even just take a nap. So, if you look hard enough you can still find something great in a boring day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bucket List

I have so many things I want to do before I die, I am taking a genealogy class and for that class we had to make a bucket list and I have already marked some off the list.

The List

1. Go to a Justin Bieber concert & meet Justin Bieber
2. Go to New Zealand
3. Eat spaghetti under the eiffel tower
4. Get married
5. Fall in love again
6. Go see the great wall of china
7. go to a vineyard
8. Sing at Madison Square Garden (dont laugh I will do that Never Say Never ;) )
9. Be a successful person
10. Fulfill all my dreams

there are alot more .. but these are just a few.