
Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm so tired.

I'm so tired of my life. I'm so tired of having no real friends. I'm so tired of feeling jealous of other people and the lives they live. I'm so tired of feeling alone. I'm so tired of being scared. I'm so tired of everything.

My life lately has just become this one big drama fest. I'm so over it. I hate my job. I hate school. Everywhere I go I just feel so depressed leaving it. I don't enjoy anything I do. 

Theres this guy. We used to be so close. Best friends. And then there was a new girl at work. Now shes the new me. They are so close. Best Friends. And I hate her for it. I hate him for it. He lies to me. Tonight when I told him that I was quitting his exact words were ' oh good now my boy j.d. can get a job ' EXCUSE ME? Screw you buddy. That is no way to treat a friend. I really felt and still feel like crying.

I'm so jealous of everyone who has a perfect life, or a life that seems perfect. I'm just so angry at everyone and everything I just want to drive and drive and drive and never turn back around.

I feel so alone. I have absolutely no one to talk to, so I write letters to the internet. Isn't that pathetic. I have absolutely no one to talk to about anything. I'm so scared that I am going to live my life and end up alone forever.

I'm so scared of everything. I'm scared of rejection. I'm scared that I will never lose enough weight to be 'pretty' I'm scared that I'm going to die alone. I'm scared that I won't be able to join the military. I'm scared of everything and I hate it.

I'm so tired of my life. I feel like just sitting down and crying. I want to hit someone and I want to hit them hard. I'm so bored in this town, with my 'friends' and my stupid job, and my stupid boss. I hate everything.

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