
Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello WORLD :D

Oh my goodness how I have missed you. LOL not really. I'm jk'ing. Anyways, whats going on your way? Me? Well I'm a sophomore in college now. HECK YES. Oh and guess what else I've lost 31 pounds since the last time we talked.. yeah... I'm sexy, also I am singing with a symphony, I'm playing the piano for a childrens choir, I'm observing in a class at a real school for my education course, and I'm in love with my best friend. No biggie.

Yes. I made it through my freshman year even though I thought I couldn't. I know, I'm fabulous. I am now taking EDU 200- Intro to Teaching, HIS 101- Western Civ BIO 101- Biology and MTE6,7,8,9 Math..gag. I absolutely love my Western Civ teacher he is HILARIOUS, and super nice. I just love having a good teacher, it helps you learn better. Math is horrible.. as always. Education is alright, it is kind of self explanitory and there is an annoying girl in there who won't shutup.. but that is beside the point. I actually haven't started the classroom observations yet. I lied. But, I'm going to a school this Thursday to talk to a principal about observing in their school. It's kind of terrifying, I'm really nervous about it.  Biology is meh. I haven't really decided whether I like/dislike it yet. My teacher is the Forever great Mr. Hamed my older sister's love ... hahah she is legit in love with that man. Yeah he is funny but she was obsessed with him.. lol. 

YEAH! I lost 31 pounds. I'm still not telling you my weight but I'm skinny(er) OH GOODNESS. Its so exciting. I am officially wearing two sizes smaller than what I wore in May, and I don't eat bread, noodles, rice, basically anything startchy. 

I am singing with the Symphony of the Mountains! Oh my goodness its so exciting we are singing Beethoven, and it kills my throat but I am excited anyway. I'm in the process of building a resume and that is something great I can put on there. 

I am now playing the piano for the 'pee-wee choir' at my church. Nothing big, but I am still very honored to do it. We are getting ready to have our first program in a couple of weeks. I love playing and singing with the kids, it is a lot of fun.

And, oh my lord. I'm in love with my best friend, which I don't even know how to explain it other than when I think about him and can't stop smiling, I get chills all up and down my arms, whenever we see each other I freak out. I dream about him, but one thing I know is that he probably doesn't love me, and we will probably never be together. But, at least I can finally admit what people have been trying to get me to admit for a couple of years now. 

This is my life. It's kind of exciting. LOL heck it is really exciting, I'm kind of the bomb. I'll keep in touch


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