Thursday, October 31, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
What's in My Bag?
I should have known that the moment I say I am going to do something five minutes later utter turmoil happens and that thing which I said I would do then becomes impossible to do. Well my great plans of this post being up.. a long time ago.. didn't happen.. but it wasn't for lack of trying. I sat down at my computer that night and uploaded all the pictures I was going to use and logged on to safari so I could start this post and my internet wouldn't load. I went through this for literally an hour so I gave up, then I woke up the next day unable to speak without coughing and a horrible crick in my neck. YAAAAY. Anyways.. I am not better but my neck has almost stopped hurting. haha. Today I have to leave the house so I've been up out of bed for a couple hours and I had a few minutes to spare so I thought I would try to upload this. AAAAAAH. Now that I've typed that something horrible is probably going to happen and I won't be able to finish.. wish me luck!! :)
My Purse
I have searched everywhere and cannot find this bag on the internet BUT this is a close match here
Oh this bag is my love. I got this for Christmas last year and I think I literally carried everyday of the winter last year and some of the spring and then I put her to rest a while during the summer and as soon as it became colder this year I brought her back out. Literally my favorite purse I have ever had. I love that it has short handles and long handles. I usually use the short handles carrying it on my wrists but I do use the longer straps when my wrists become tired and it fits perfectly on my shoulder. I have this rule about shoulder bags if I have to unfold my elbow for it to fit on my shoulder it is not for me. I literally will not buy a bag if it breaks that rule... luckily this one does not.
to the juicy insides
Because of my lacking camera skills I wasn't able to capture a picture of everything at once. So you get a picture of each side.
As you can see here I have two wallets. Please don't ask my why because I have no idea. I am currently using that vera bradley one and I guess Betsey Johnson just likes to come along for the ride haha. I have my keys there.. of course.. and then in that stack I have my check book a payment book and some stamps. I always forget to mail my bills till the last minute so I leave them in my purse so I can stick it in my mailbox on the way out the door.
Here I have a hair clip, a hair bow, and some bobby pins.. every girls necessities. To the right of that is a stylus. I have never actually used this and forgot I had it but found it in the bottom of my purse so maybe I will start using it on my new iPhone 5C. :) I have three packs of sweet and low and you may think that this is just coincidental but it is not. I am a daily unsweet tea drinker and I ALWAYS use three sweet and lows so I keep them in my purse just in case the restaurant I am at only carries splenda. Beside the sweet and low I keep my pencil case and inside I keep pens pencils and high liters. I am a college student and if I don't keep these in my purse I will lose them. I have my beats headphones in here which is not something that I usually have but I had them in there because I was watching a show on my phone and didn't want to disrupt someone with the noise.. I'm so nice.. I know. I also have my Kindle Fire HD which I like to keep with me all the time because I am always reading something.
This is what little bit of makeup I had in my purse.. a Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip stain a tube of Softlips chapstick and two eybrow pencils by Maybelline. I like to keep a lipstick in my purse because my lipstick never seems to stay so I like to keep one with me to reapply during the day. The chapstick is in there because this time of the year I get terribly chapped lips.. gotta keep those babies moisturized lol and the eyebrow pencils are because I literally have to draw my eyebrows on everyday. I have always had VERY fair eyebrows in fact so fair that growing up most people teased me and told me I didn't have any. I used to feel so self conscious about them but now it doesn't bother me and most people that I am friends with now don't even know that I draw them on.. well they do now lol.
This last section is my misfit accessories. Sometimes I am really good about putting on jewelry in the morning and every day it ends up in my purse before I get home. I don't know why its just what happens. I have a problem.. lol. These are some tangled pieces I found in the bottom of my purse the mirror necklace is from target the other one tangled with it is from AVON the really blingy one is from dress barn my watch is from charming charlies and the bracelet is from cracker barrel.
These are just a few things that I keep in my purse.. I know most people love these and I know I do because I am nosey. I hope you enjoyed and share with me your posts like this if you have one and I will definitely check it out.
Have a fantastic day you little love muffins. Xx.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Good Morning
Just thought I would pop in and say GOOOOOD MORRRRNINNNINININININING!!!!
Opie and I hope you have a fantastic day. Look out later on today because I have a what's in my bag post coming and I'm not prepping at all. It will be legitimately what is currently in my bag.. trash and everything. This should be fun. :)
Until then.
Have a fantastic day you little love muffins! Xx.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Monday Madness!
I don't know about you but for me Mondays are CUHRAAAAZAY.
I start my morning at the bright and early time of six AM and after that it feels like its a blur.
I have to head up to my College for a health class and that lasts until 9:30. Then I head back
home for an hour and a half break. Now usually I use this time as a break BUTTTT today I had to give a speech in my Speech Class and of course who picks to go number one? I do. I have like the absolute worst possible luck. So during my hour and a half break today I was making my powerpoint and outline... I know #procrastinator.
But it kind of worked out good. My speech went really well and if you must know my topic was the history of cosmetics. It was very interesting and everyone seemed to enjoy it, but that was probably because they weren't absolutely bored of me yet. So during that little break time I usually use that to go through my last tweaks of my piano assignments for the week because every Monday after my 12:30 class ends I have to head two towns over .. which I do in a half hour record time #Kaching .. and run in the door for my "forty five minute" lesson. I put forty five in quotations because I am supposed to be out of there by 3:15 but most of the time I am not out until almost 3:45.. #thestruggle.
So by the time I finally make it out of my piano lesson I am heading back two towns backwards to home. I get home usually around 4:30 and FINALLY ... if I am lucky.. I get a nap. Most of the time I am in fact not lucky. And by six I am out the door with my older sister to another two towns over to a Symphony practice. It starts at 7:30 but we leave at six because we like to stop for dinner. Yum. Finally at 9:30 practice is over and we finally get to head home I end up being in the door most times 10:15 sometimes 10:30 and then I head straight to bed because I have to be at work at 5:30 the next morning.
Can you say MADNESSSSSSSS???
And that is what I mean by Monday Madness.
You ready for a nap yet? I am.
Have a fantastic day my little love muffins!Xx.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Blog Lovin
Blog Lovin
Just a quick post to say I made a Blog Lovin click on that linky link above and follow me on there. Have a fabulous day you little love muffins. Xx.
Friday, October 11, 2013
101 in 1001
So I was reading Girls and their Pearls (love her blog, you should totally check it out) and saw her post of a list of 101 things she wants to do in 1001 days and absolutely loved the idea. So I'm going to do it.

1. Create my list of 101 intriguing things to do ✓
2. Blog at least once a week
2. Blog at least once a week
3. Pass my speech class (ugh)✓
4. lose seventy five pounds
5. figure out when 1001 days is up (lol!)
6. buy a new furniture for my bedroom✓
7. get a new job ✓
8. finally finish learning Chopin piece✓
9. work on another program for my children's church class
10. write more music
11. apply to at least two more colleges✓
12. have a daily planner and actually write in it
13. see Romeo and Juliet
14. see Gravity
15. go to a concert✓
16. buy at least ten more Mahogany and Teak wood candles✓
17. buy a new winter jacket✓
18. buy two new skirts✓
19. buy two new pairs of pants✓
20. visit New York City✓
21. save enough money for my flight to London
22. treat my family to a healthy dinner made by me✓
23. Have a weekly meal schedule ✓
24. Make a new friend✓
25. buy a monogrammed ring
26. get a kitty jungle gym for Opie✓
27. drink more herbal tea
28. finish couch to 5k
29. run a 5k race
30. Go back to England
31. Figure out what I want to do with my life✓
32. Go to California
33. have a better relationship with my parents✓
34. find a new hobby
35. learn to knit
36. own a diamond
37. two words Michael Kors✓
38. post an outfit of the day
39. work more on my youtube channel
40. mow a lawn
41.invest in something
42. learn how to make macaroons
43. find a treasure
44. buy a new makeup collection
45. surf
46. swim with dolphins
47. dress up for halloween✓
48. go out with an old friend
49. go to Nashville✓
50. graduate college✓ - now working on bachelors
51. take a roadtrip with my sisters
52. move into my own place
53. buy a new car
54. go furniture shopping
55. go antiquing
56. buy a pair of riding boots
57. go fishing
58. get a spray tan
59. get a manicure✓
60. Ombre hair
61. go on a cruise
62. jet skis
63. go tubing.
64. have a real Christmas tree✓
65. do a yearly update on this post✓
66. paint more
67. read 20 new books
68. cut out all fast food
69. join a gym
70. take a water aerobics class
71. go to Greece
72. sing in front of more than the people in my church✓
73. buy a new camera
74. take a pottery class
75. spend a day with each of my sisters
76. take a father daughter trip
77. take a mother daughter trip
78. sing karaoke
79. audition for the x factor
80. buy a piece of art
81. get a new laptop
82. buy a new piano
83. take a day trip to a new city
84. explore my hometown
85. go to a NASCAR race (shudders)
86. learn more about my family history
87. buy a vintage purse
88. invest in great luggage
89. learn to play the ukulele
90. ride my bike on the creeper trail
91. eat real Cuban food
92. go to Miami
93. develop a better relationship with my aunt
94. buy my gran a kindle
95. go to a flea market
96. go to Rhythm and Roots
97. build a professional wardrobe
98. cut my hair off
99. see One Direction live✓
100. finish my whole list
101. create new 101
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Drug Store Makeup Items
I love watching beauty videos on the internet, literally youtube is one of the best things I think has ever been invented. I love to watch all the looks the beauty gurus create but in the end I can't do the same looks that they do because high end make up is just that HIGH end.. as in HIGH priced. I, like most college students my age, am on a budget and spending $30 on a bottle of foundation is just something I am not capable of doing. I don't believe that buying high end makeup is bad in fact if I had the money I would probably buy it myself BUT I don't. Just because I can't buy high end doesn't mean I can't rock the same looks. I shop most of my makeup at the drugstore and if there is something that I REALLY want I will save up or ask for it as a gift. So I am going to share with you some of my favorite essential makeup items that you can buy for a very reasonable price at the drugstore.
Revlon Nearly Naked- I am in the lightest shade 110 Ivory (I'm pretty sure) and the foundation stays true to color it blends so nicely with my skin, it doesn't leave harsh lines where you can tell you have on makeup it is very flawless and seamless and I love this foundation.
Revlon Nearly Naked - I am the same shade in the powder as I am in the foundation. Powder is not something that I use much of because I already have dry skin I don't really find the need to put it on but when I do use it this is the one I go for. It blends very nicely with the foundation and into my skin. Other powders I have used before have left my skin looking well powdery.. I'm really not into that look. This one doesn't do that. It is very natural and I love the way it makes my skin look.
Revlon Lash Potion - I have never had a bad eyeliner. I think its one of those things you just can't go wrong with. I have a couple I am currently using Revlon lash potion and it is their new one with the grow serum I absolutely love. Maybelline makes good mascara too but my absolute favorite is Revlon. I think any mascara you buy from the drugstore will really do the trick for you. Just read and make sure wether you want one that lengthens or volumizes or even one that helps your eyelashes grow. Whatever you are looking for they are likely to have
Revlon Colorburst - this one is in the color 018 fire. This lip gloss is really thick. when I am using sometimes I will just put a little on my bottom lip and blend it in with my finger if I am wanting a thinner look. It all depends upon your color preference for the day. I have worn this full too without spreading it and it looks flawless you have no need for a lipstick because it is so pigmented and thick it lasts almost all day.
AVON Glimmersticks Chrome - G12 Midnight Flash although avon is kind of hard to get ahold of unless you personally know someone who sells it the makeup it fabulous quality and extremely cheap I think I got four of these eyeliners for less than $10 and they have lasted me a long time. I like this liner because it is kind of like a cream but it is still in the pencil form so you have more control over it than you would a cream eyeliner but it slides on as smooth as cream does. Eyeliner is my go to makeup item I love to have swooped wing eyeliner everyday so I use ALOT of eyeliner and this is one of the drugstore brands that I continue to buy.
e.l.f. Contouring Blush & Bronzer - I'm going to be completely honest with you here until just here recently bronzer was a very scary concept for me. I've seen girls with the orange sheen going on and that is NOT a look I enjoy, so I was very scared to use bronzer. I've owned this bronzer well over a year and just never used it because I was too chicken. But the past couple of months I have been using this and loving it. I just put some on my cheek bones and blend blend blend blend blend did I mention I blend it? I blend it up to the corners of my forehead and down my neck so it looks more natural and this bronzer works very well for me. And a little FYI a little goes a loooooong way. You don't need much.
Maybelline FIT me!- light pink. I'm not even sure if they make this any more I have had this blush SO LONG, but just recently started using it. I have naturally really rosey cheeks so I have never really worn blush but I think that it is important to wear it because it really completes your face. This is the same as the bronzer you don't need much just the top of your cheek bones dab it on and blend blend blend.
Eye Shadow
L'oreal Infallible 24 HR Eyeshadow- this shadow is in the color 892 Amber Rush which I love but it is not the only one I love. I literally love every single one of these I try. They last such a LONG time and they are very pigmented which is something that I love in an eyeshadow. Very beautiful and very long lasting.
Lip stick
Covergirl Lip Perfection - this color is 405 Fairytale. This lipstick is very creamy which is something I like. I hate it when a lipstick dries out my lips and I end up having to apply more lip balm and then it just ruins the look. This one doesn't require that because it is so creamy it doesn't dry out. I love the consistency of the color and these are just like the lipgloss above where they are buildable. Sometimes I will put just a little of this and blend it in with my fingers and then put a little of the above lipgloss and it makes a beautiful color. I love creating new things and I like that these products allow me to mix and match to make new colors
Loreal MagicLumi Concealer corrector - 860 Fair this is technically a concealer BUT that is not how I use it. I use it to highlight my cheek bones, cupids bow, and the bridge on my nose. It kind of has this iridescent rose gold coloring to it. This is one of my favorite things that has ever been made. It is absolutely perfect no flaws the best highlighter you can buy.
These are just some of the things I like to buy from the drugstore that work very well for me. Makeup is so fun and just because you don't have the means to buy the same makeup that others can buy doesn't mean that you can't have a fabulous look thats just as beautiful as those with higher end products.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
When I'm in a rut.
So I have reached this point in my life where I hate absolutely everything I am involved in.. and it is things that prior to this crisis (?) I really rather enjoyed such as choir. I sing in three choirs and right now I literally dread every choir practice I go to. It doesn't matter which choir it is what time of the day they are I dread every single one of them and while I am there I find myself messing with my phone and checking the time more than I am singing.
I'm really uncertain as to why this has happened to me but right now I feel absolutely bluh. I am just tired of everything school, work, choir, piano, like literally everything. I even become bored of getting on the internet. WUT? I really hate this time in my life and I really wish it was over with. I wish I knew the remedy to get myself excited about these things again because right now I am not excited.
Sometimes things that help me when I am in a rut are making goals. So when I am so tired of the constant bore of my diet and I start to get those dangerous thoughts in my head like " Why am I even doing this?" " What is the point in dieting if I am not happy?" I set a goal and a deadline but there has to be a reward at the end of the deadline. So when I first got in a rut about my diet I set a goal that I wanted to look good because I had meet and greet tickets to an upcoming concert. So I tried my best to look my best and I lost a lot of weight.
Maybe that is what I need to do at this moment in my life. Make happy goals so I can become more involved and less annoyed with my everyday activities. So I am setting a goal THAT when I graduate ( or maybe even sooner ) I am going to take a trip back to London. That will be my goal to work hard and achieve more through the opportunities that I have been given.
I'm really uncertain as to why this has happened to me but right now I feel absolutely bluh. I am just tired of everything school, work, choir, piano, like literally everything. I even become bored of getting on the internet. WUT? I really hate this time in my life and I really wish it was over with. I wish I knew the remedy to get myself excited about these things again because right now I am not excited.
Sometimes things that help me when I am in a rut are making goals. So when I am so tired of the constant bore of my diet and I start to get those dangerous thoughts in my head like " Why am I even doing this?" " What is the point in dieting if I am not happy?" I set a goal and a deadline but there has to be a reward at the end of the deadline. So when I first got in a rut about my diet I set a goal that I wanted to look good because I had meet and greet tickets to an upcoming concert. So I tried my best to look my best and I lost a lot of weight.
Maybe that is what I need to do at this moment in my life. Make happy goals so I can become more involved and less annoyed with my everyday activities. So I am setting a goal THAT when I graduate ( or maybe even sooner ) I am going to take a trip back to London. That will be my goal to work hard and achieve more through the opportunities that I have been given.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
My Healthy Relationship
You're going to love what I did with that title .. I just know it. I'm sure you guessed it I am NOT in a relationship.. ha ha jokes on you if you thought I was.. but I am in a predicament with my health. My whole life as long as I could remember I have had an extremely abusive relationship with food. We hit each other.. metaphorically speaking.. I have always used food as a coping mechanism, an exterior block, a wall, a security blanket.. and in return food has very warmly welcomed me in, kept me warm, and has given me lots and lots of fat. YAAAAAAY... that's a fair trade right?? WRONG! I have never found a way to correctly have a relationship with food.. because that is what it is.. everyone has a relationship with it, you may not be thinking about it but its true. You have to consciously choose 'am I going to eat lucky charms for breakfast or am I going to eat the bran?" lucky charms says " come here baby, I am happy and lucky and I even come with a pretty little leprechaun on me" and most of the time I would be like " leprechaun??!! HECK YES!" and would never even listen to what the bran had to offer.. healthy heart, a great start to the day, healthy weight. And you know something as simple as eating healthy and being healthy can completely change your life. If I had eaten healthy my whole life I can guarantee that I would not look the way I look today.. and who's to say that I wouldn't be a completely different person if I looked different. Would I act different? Would I think different? Would I be different? Would I have different friends? I think the answer to all of those questions is .. yes. I would be different. NOW NOW listen to me. I wouldn't change who I am for the WORLD. I love my friends, and my life, the way I think, the way I act.. sometimes.. BUT I also believe the lifestyle that I live is hindering me in progressing. THEREFORE ( big fancy word means big fancy transition) I am trying to change my life. I can't honestly tell you a time in my life when I haven't been dieting. I was dieting in elementary school and that is so sad. I should have been running around playing with my friends but instead I was caught up in my emotional relationship with food. But I am drawing the line no more missing out because of the way my relationship has been, I am no longer going to have an abusive relationship but rather a healthy relationship with food. I am trying to choose the foods that benefit ME rather than my tongue. I am trying to choose foods that will help me in the long run rather than seasonal satisfaction, and I am trying to change my lifestyle so that I can be healthy, be given more opportunities, and can feel good about myself. I will be updating you on this journey and I know already this is NOT going to be easy, but I am not letting myself quit this time. This is the end of the line.
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